1. Can you describe what happens during a colonic?
Yes. When you come in for a treatment, the therapist will spend a few minutes asking you some questions about your health and digestion. You will change into different clothing which the therapist will provide. You lie on the table while the therapist gently inserts a small, sterile speculum into your anus, which allows you to be connected to the colon hydrotherapy unit. The therapist then controls the unit to allow water to flow gently in and out of your colon, carrying out waste material. It is normal to feel some new or odd sensations during a session, but it is not commonly painful.
2. How many sessions will I need?
That will be determined by your therapist or supervising physician based on our medical history, your primary health concerns, and how you respond to your first session. Commonly 3 to 6 treatments are needed to see long term results.
3. What should I do to prepare for my colonic?
You can have a successful colonic without any special preparations beforehand, but it is best to avoid heavy food for a few hours before your treatment. If you are hungry eat a piece of fruit or vegetable and some raw nuts to keep your blood sugar up. It is also helpful to avoid refined foods (white flour, white sugar, table salt, processed fats) for a few days before. A tablespoon of olive oil the night before your treatment, and warm water with the juice of half a lemon the morning of your treatment can help make it more effective. For a more extensive diet plan you can ask your therapist for the General Diet Preparation brochure.
4. Can I eat normally after my colonic?
Your therapist or supervising physician may make some dietary suggestions based on your response to your colonic. After your treatment, it is best to avoid roughage for the rest of the day as this may cause gas cramps. Focus on slightly steamed vegetables, some lean protein (white meat, not red) and if you like something raw - vegetable juice made from carrot, celery and greens is usually also well tolerated. The next day you can resume a normal diet.
5. Will I need to go to the bathroom many times after my colonic?
It's normal to experience a few bowel movements immediately after your treatment, but you won't have to be running to the toilet all day. Your therapist will allow plenty of time for you to use the toilet after your session before you leave the clinic. Most people feel fine within a few minutes after their session.
6. Is this a safe procedure?
Yes. The equipment that touches your body is all sterile and disposable. You are also with a certified colon hydrotherapist during the session.
7. How about the friendly bacteria in the intestines, are they flushed out?
First of all, friendly bacteria love a clean environment. Even though some are flushed out with the treatment, they multiply quickly when they have space to do so. Most colons are filled with morbid matter of different kinds that crowd out the friendly bacteria in the colon to start with. The best win/win situation you get, when you supplement probiotics after a colonic treatment, when there is room for them to multiply!
Certified Colon Hydrotherapist in Duncan
Colon Hydrotherapy in Duncan
The Cleansing Room in Duncan
Reference: Commonly asked questions and their answers on colon hydrotherapy. Prime Vitality - School of Colon Hydrotherapy.